News at LEVETO
An opportunity for solar installers to advise their customers online: Corona provides companies [...]
SENEC GmbH relies on LEVETO for its Lead Management
Digitally coordinated growth made to measure Since 2009, SENEC GmbH has been developing and producing [...]
Lead management phases
Lead management phases are all the processes involved that a "lead" = potential buyer or [...]
Sales qualified lead (SQL)
A sales-qualified lead (SQL) is a customer contact that is generated by the marketing department or by [...]
Marketing qualified lead (MQL)
A marketing-qualified lead (MQL) is a customer contact that has already had initial points of contact or contact with [...]
Lead generation
The aim of lead generation is to get the customer to provide their contact options to the [...]
Lead nurturing
Lead nurturing is a continuous process in lead management in which [...]
Lead scoring
Lead scoring comprises two procedures for evaluating the lead and [...]
Lead routing
Lead routing is one of the final steps in the lead management process. [...]