News at LEVETO
QR code to the end customer portal
Simplified way for the end customer to access the portal The entry form [...]
Changes to check for duplicates
Error message when creating duplicate leads If you manually create a [...]
Update lead allocation and lead flow
Concerning LEVETO Networking Some specialist partners not only want a [...]
New workflow fields
Workflows now have the option of displaying notes and the age of the order confirmation in days [...].
Linking the address book with the offer and appointment
Different delivery addresses in the offer and deadline A different delivery address [...]
Formatting in notes possible
Update of the GUI for more clarity in the notes In the [...]
Minimum stock level in the warehouse
Adding the minimum stock function to the warehouse The article details [...]
Note on roles and rights
Statement on the topic We provide the setting options for the roles and [...]
Contract creation with LEVETO
Maintenance and service contracts can be set up with LEVETO from today. The [...]