News at LEVETO
Recommended browsers
We recommend using the Chrome or Firefox web browsers. We have found that [...]
Offer support contingent
Due to increased requests for additional training and work process adjustments from our support team [...]
Lead allocation based on zip code with weekly limit
There is now a setting in which you can specify how many leads per week [...]
Accessibility times for the festive season
Dear customers, your LEVETO team wishes you all happy holidays and a happy new year!
Additions to customer groups
Price premium and price discount by customer group, as well as payment terms by customer group. In each case as a standard default setting. [...]
LEVETO lead route as iFrame
The lead route provided by LEVETO (the self-qualification questionnaire), also known as the [...]
Image references in folders displayed as image
Customization for the readout fields in the workbooks. Image references to images in other workbooks [...]
Select products that are transferred to assemblers
New workflow feature. You can now select which products from the offer / from [...]
Update product importer
Three new features in the product importer: You can now use the product import template directly on the [...]